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Very Important People!

These Very Important People have been kind enough to come visit our warehouse, and we are very happy to have met them!

 Dan Verssen, Founder

Derek Case

Derek moderates the Solitaire Wargames group on Facebook. While visiting Southern California, he made the drive to visit us and talk about games. Thank you Derek!

Chuck Seegert

Chuck is a huge DVG fan! While he was visiting Southern California for his grandaughter's dance compeition, he drove almost 2 hours each way to visit us! We enjoyed meeting him so much and showing him around our warehouse! Now he is designing his own games for DVG, his first game is Zero Leader!

Tim Reece

Most of you know Tim from his DVG and gaming posts on Facebook and BGG. He made the trek to our warehouse during a recent vacation trip with his family and brought a notebook to ask questions for the community.

He's one of our favorite people.

(That's Tim in between Holly and Kevin. That's the third person from the goofy guy with the yellow glasses.)

 Not a fair fight at all

Daniel Anderson

Daniel got a bit of notoriety for showing his dedication to Warfighter with a prominent tattoo on his forearm (it's pretty big so it's actually on the fivearm too, I wager). 

He and his son Timothy were very kind enough to visit us in between trips to the magical kingdom in OC that rhymes with "Whitney". 

Daniel is a staunch DVG supporter and I really feel like Timothy is on his way to being one too (he plays For What Remains with his Dad quite a bit!)

p.s. I would have won this arm wrestling match, but that tattoo of his upgunned his arm strength to an incredible degree.